Creating PowerShell Function Failsafes with WhatIf Petri IT Knowledgebase

For this example we are just echoing a line of text, but the expression could be anything, copying a file, starting a service whatever you can think of. ShouldProcess does not only output on WhatIf – but on verbose as well! This shortens the code needed for functions that need verbose output implemented by quite a bit. The tests that you perform can perform everything from simple to complex tests ranging everywhere from testing write permissions to return mock data of a successful write. ScriptRunner is a solution that centrally manages the running of PowerShell scripts across the environment.

If your script or function has complex logic that branches based on different criteria, using what if can show what the code will do before running it for real. Here is the output of the function when using the -WhatIf parameter. The output message contains the name of the function and the target of the action, in this case, the user principal name. The ShouldProcess method accepts multiple arguments, but only one is required.

what if powershell

To start, open Windows PowerShell ISE (this is a more user-friendly version of Windows PowerShell, If you don’t have this application, use the normal Windows PowerShell). It is better if you start this application as an administrator. PowerShell includes modules that provide access to certain functionalities. Each will give you access to certain objects and configurations in the Power BI Service.

PowerShell: A powerful command-line interface

When using PowerShell, it’s not uncommon to experience a process freezing up. Whenever this happens, you can useGet-Processto retrieve the name of the process experiencing difficulties and then stop it with the Stop-Processcommand. This will create a database backup of a database with the name ‘Databasecentral’ (or the name of your chosen database’. In order to start PowerShell on Windows 10, you need to be an Administrator.

  • It took me a long time to be able to distinguish ShouldProcess from ShouldContinue and I almost always need to look up what parameters to use.
  • Calling a method with 4 parameters starts to get a little ugly, but I tried to make it look as clean as I could.
  • You can use PowerShell to find and remove duplicate files that are only wasting valuable storage.

So don’t worry if you still get confused from time to time. The best way to summarize this as a general rule is that this works correctly for binary modules and never trust it to work for script modules. If you are not sure, either test it or just assume it does not work correctly. Any time you call builtin Cmdlet or a function in your same scope, it will work. It also works when you call a script or a function in a script module from the console.

However, if you need more extensive usage of APIs, then REST API usage through a custom application is the way to go. One might ask, “Are the PowerShell Cmdlets for Power BI the same as the REST API for Power BI? These Cmdlets are designed on the base of the REST API functions. However, the capabilities available in the REST APIs are far more than the PowerShell Cmdlets.

Suppressing nested confirm prompts

For a single argument, specify the target of the action, such as the user account or file name. Here I am running PSScriptAnalyzer against the function you will write later in this article. Note the output saying the function is using a verb that makes changes, so the function should support ‘ShouldProcess’ . In this post, you will learn how to add the PowerShell -WhatIf parameter to your functions using easy-to-follow examples.

The WhatIf parameter allows you to see what your script or function would have done if it were to have run. In this example, we’ve set the variable $x to a value of 4. We then set our If statement with the condition that if $x is greater than Continuous Delivery and Maturity Model DevOps ~ Ahmed AbouZaid! or equal to 3, display the message «$x is greater than or equal to 3». Lastly, we set our Else statement that if the condition is false, display the message «$x is less than 3». PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and automation tool.

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The help prompt will describe each of those options like this. An if statement can be followed by an optional else if…else statement, which is very useful to test various conditions using single if…elseif statement. This means that you can “piggy-back” on other peoples WhatIf implementation which is especially useful if they contain tests. The describing part is automatically implemented since we supply ShouldProcess with a target and an action. But the second part can be more tricky – and while there is no must to implement it can make your scripts extremely robust. Like with cmd.exe or PowerShell, you often have to run Windows Terminal as admin to execute commands that need…

what if powershell

By adding -WhatIf to the Remove-Mailbox command, you verify which mailboxes the command will remove. To use the WhatIf switch simply add –WhatIf to the end of your command line. Enabling that switch turns everything previously typed into a test, with the results of what would have happened What is An SQL Database Administrator if the commands were actually run appearing on the screen. The little script that was supposed to patch a dozen or so machines ends up inadvertently matching hundreds of systems. This is one of those times when the administrator can see that the script is not running as intended.


The function now allows you to call the ShouldProcess() method on the $PSCmdlet function variable to determine if the WhatIf parameter was passed to the function or not. When the WhatIf parameter is used, ShouldProcess() returns False. All advanced functions support WhatIf functionality, but it’s up to you to take advantage of it.

In this example, the user has terminated Notepad by using theStop-Process command. This provides you with comprehensive oversight CS50’s Mobile App Development with React Native of all active processes. Select Run as Administrator from the list of options in the right panel of the results list.

With these values, you can specify different levels of impact for each function. If you have $ConfirmPreference set to a value higher than ConfirmImpact, then you will not be prompted to confirm execution. The reason why I place ShouldProcess tightly around the change, is that I want as much code to execute as possible when -WhatIf is specified. I want the setup and validation to run if possible so the user gets to see those errors. The first approach is a specific parameter syntax that can be used for all parameters but you mostly see it used for switch parameters. Let’s take quick moment to look at ways to pass a value to a switch parameter.

Stopping a Service

The WhatIfpreference variable holds a Boolean value and has a default value of false. Now let’s get started by creating our first simple WhatIf function. The Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership PowerShell cmdlet enables you to query all the Active Directory group memberships of a user. Robocopy is a command line folder and file replication tool available as a standard Windows feature… My function, Get-TimespanPretty, allows you to view the time span—the difference between two time points or dates—in a compact,…

The WhatIf switch runs a PowerShell script without actually running it. Rather than actually running the commands, the WhatIf switch only displays what the outcome of running the script would be if it were actually run. All functions using the [CmdletBinding()] keyword make them “advanced”. This keyword adds various capabilities to the function including WhatIf support. Because you are neglecting the built-in capabilities of an advanced function.

We have to pass the $reason variable into the 4th parameter as a reference variable with and ShouldProcess will populate $reason with the value None or WhatIf. I didn’t say this was very useful and I have no reason to ever use it. The first step to enable -WhatIf and -Confirm support is to specify SupportsShouldProcess in the CmdletBinding of your function. When using if, elseif, else statements there are a few points to keep in mind.

The Get-Help command can be used to literally get help with any other PowerShell command. For example, if you know the name of a command, but you don’t know what it does or how to use it, the Get-Help command provides the full command syntax. Using aliases will only get you so far on PowerShell, so it’s important to commit to learning everything you can about PowerShell’s native commands. We touched on some of these above, but we’re going to break down the main ones in much more detail below. Make sure you’re on an Administrator account so that you have permission to set a new execution policy. So, in this case, you want to run PowerShell as Administrator on a computer that is identified by RemoteDomain.

In a nutshell, the WhatIf parameter is a built-in switch parameter available with all advanced functions and cmdlets . When used, the command reports the expected effect of the command to the console. PowerShell has become a common tool for administrators over the past few years. As an administrator, there are many libraries that you can access using PowerShell modules. PowerShell’s scripting and command line experience are not as complicated as learning a programming language (such as C#.NET). This results in a tool that can be used but gives great power in configuration and task automation.

If you set it to none, it will not prompt even if -Confirm was specified (but it will still give you -WhatIf support). We have a fourth overload thats more advanced than the others that allows you to get the reason ShouldProcess was executed. I am only adding this here for completeness because we can just check if $WhatIf is $true instead. This is a really easy feature that you can enable in your functions that provides a safety net for your users that need it. There is nothing scarier than running a command that you know can be dangerous for the first time.

This tells PowerShell that this function is going to be an advanced function that supports the WhatIf parameter. Your script doesn’t know you missed a keystroke and happily goes along and begins removing all Active Directory users older than three days. I’m sure a lot of your user accounts fall in this category. PowerShell is an extremely powerful tool that every sysadmin should be using. It becomes even more powerful when you start taking advantage of If-Else statements, allowing you to automate complex tasks based and conditional decision making.

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